When we host relatives or friends at home and don’t want to fiddle with starters, stuffed eggs are a perfect solution. We can put them together ahead of time and store them in the refrigerators, so we can unwind and enjoy company without worrying at the last minute.
Components: 6 eggs

°3 little tuna cans in olive oil °2 level tablespoons mayonnaise + additional °Half a teaspoon red pepper
°1/23 of a teaspoon paprika, heated

* Preparation:

We boil eggs in water for around ten minutes. To stop the cooking process, remove after 10 minutes and quickly chill in a dish of very cold water with ice.
Peel and cut them in half lengthwise after they have cooled. Take out the yolks and place them in a basin.

Place the tuna, two egg yolks, mayonnaise, and paprika in a bowl. Stir them well.
We pour this mixture into the cooked eggs and insert them into the source. We store it in the fridge if it isn’t consumed right away.
Using a potato masher, spread a little amount of mayonnaise over each packed egg and then scatter the remaining yolk on top.

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