Hilarious Blonde Joke I’ve Not Heard Before

Hilarious Blonde Joke I’ve Not Heard Before A young blonde started her job as a physical education teacher for a group of 16-year-olds. While supervising a soccer game, she noticed one boy standing alone at the far end of the field. Feeling sympathetic, she walked over and asked, “Hey there, everything alright?” The boy nodded. […]

Man Has DNA Test Done on Son Who ‘Doesn’t Look Like’ Him, Wife Gathers Family upon Receiving Results

Man Has DNA Test Done on Son Who ‘Doesn’t Look Like’ Him, Wife Gathers Family upon Receiving Results For five years, Emily and Mark built a life filled with love and laughter, raising their young son, Daniel. However, a constant cloud loomed over their happiness—Susan, Emily’s mother-in-law. Susan persistently nagged about Daniel’s resemblance to his […]


UNLUCKY HUSBANDS (FUNNY STORY) Two women friends reunited after many years. “Tell me,” one asked, “What happened to your son?” “Oh, my poor son!” sighed the mother. “His marriage is so unfortunate. He ended up with a girl who doesn’t lift a finger around the house. She spends all day in bed, either sleeping or […]

In the classroom, Little Johnny farts.

In the classroom, Little Johnny farts. Little Johnny’s Classroom Fart Little Johnny lets out a fart in the classroom, causing his teacher to become upset and eject him from the room. A Laugh Outside Seated outside the classroom, Little Johnny finds himself unable to contain his laughter. Encounter with the Principal Passing by, the principal […]