ALARMING SIGNS! We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, but for some people, they can be more temperamental than others. Or, rather, clogged pores happen more often to some of us..

Body Alerts For Potential Health Problems

Body Alerts For Potential Health Problems Acne occurs when oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria build up inside hair follicles, resulting in infection and inflammation. Whiteheads, cysts, and other types of acne commonly affect the shoulders. As well as the shoulders, acne can affect the face, chest, back, and other parts of the body. It […]

Expert Says Parents Should Ask Babies For Consent Before Changing Diapers

Expert Says Parents Should Ask Babies For Consent Before Changing Diapers In the realm of parenting, where routine tasks like changing diapers coexist with tender moments, a novel idea has emerged: seeking consent from babies before changing their nappies. This concept, championed by Deanne Carson, a sexuality education expert, has sparked intrigue and controversy alike. […]


FACIAL CHANGES INDICATING SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES Eyebrow Thinning: Hypothyroidism and atopic dermatitis can cause thinning eyebrows. Intense Acne and Unusual Hair: Severe acne and excessive facial hair may indicate Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Seek medical attention for these symptoms. Red Rashes and Bumps: A red rash on your face or neck could signal digestive issues […]

Jimmy Kimmel Shares Tear-jerking Update On His 7-Year-Old Son’s Third Open Heart Surgery

Jimmy Kimmel Shares Tear-jerking Update On His 7-Year-Old Son’s Third Open Heart Surgery Jimmy Kimmel recently shared an Instagram update about his 7-year-old son Billy, who underwent his third open-heart surgery at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Kimmel posted a photo of Billy smiling and wrote, “This weekend, our boy Billy had his third (of three, […]


| SKIN SIGNALS USED TO DIAGNOSE SERIOUS DISEASES Skin signals indicating serious diseases: Dark Spots: May suggest Addison’s disease. Discoloration: White patches could be vitiligo. Rashes: Persistent rashes need medical evaluation. Edemas: Daily edemas may imply hypothyroidism. Moles: Rapidly changing moles require a doctor’s check. Acne: Consult a doctor for persistent acne. Flaking: Severe flaking […]